We require your signature to cancel a policy the same way a signature is required to start a policy. The lifecycle of a policy is complete when it is no longer needed, or more affordable coverage has been found elsewhere. Please write out on a blank piece of paper the following:
Your name
Policy number
Name of the insurance company
Today’s date
The date you want to cancel the policy
And state something like, “I would like to cancel this policy.”
Place your signature at the bottom.
Take a picture or scan it into your computer, then email it to doug.hartley (at) insuresource (dot) com, or you can text it to 503-693-2852.
You can mail it to us at:
InsureSource Agencies, LLC
1109 SW 1st Ave Ste F 703
Canby, Oregon 97013.
You can look up your insurance company here to see if they can take a voice request to cancel your policy over the phone. Some won’t and will refer you back to us.