What's New in Oregon
We try to stay in touch with the latest insurance related developments happening in Oregon. What happens in Salem can affect all of us from the price of gasoline to how much it will cost to drive on our freeways. Insurance related laws and orders are considered and passed constantly that will affect how much you or your insurance company will pay and the limit you will receive after an accident. The companies are constantly inventing ways to adjust how they charge based on the analysis of data they collect on you, your car and all drivers. We just want you to be informed so you can make the right decision.

1. No Insurance. When the DMV finds out you were convicted of driving uninsured, you will receive, at your last known address, a letter stating you have 30 days to comply with the SR22 requirement. Failure to do so will suspend your license for three years. After that period, you can pay the reinstatement fee to get your license back. You can obtain insurance, submit an SR22 certificate, and avoid suspension. Waiting until after your license gets suspended, you would have to turn in the form and pay the fee.

2. Failure to Pay a Fine. Putting off paying a fine or failing to meet the payment arrangements can cause your license to be suspended.

3. Failure to Pay Child Support. If your child support goes into arrears and reaches a certain amount, the DMV can suspend not just your driver’s license but other professional licenses you may hold in the State of Oregon. You have options if you fall behind. Make arrangements with a representative in the child support division to make minimum payments and something extra toward paying off the arrearage to avoid suspension.

Other things can cause you suspension, like a serious infraction such as driving while impaired (DWI). The suspension period varies depending on how the judge reacts and whether you can participate in the diversion program. You can also be suspended for a short period if you get more than, say, three tickets in a short time. Four or more infractions close together will automatically win you a one-year suspension.