As part of our auto policy, Oregon requires that we purchase insurance to cover ourselves in case someone hits us who doesn’t have insurance. But why? If it’s the law, every car on the street should have insurance. “I’m paying for what someone else should buy? That doesn’t seem fair.”
People still drive without insurance as strong as our laws are, even with severe penalties for disobeying them. The threat of a fine and impoundment of the automobile isn’t significant enough to get people to stop driving uncovered. Estimates vary, but owners operate about 30% of the cars you see on the highway without insurance. What’s worse, if you are involved in an accident, the drivers of that 30% are likely to take off if their car is still drivable, leaving you in a hit-and-run situation.
Luckily, the language of the auto policy provides for payment to hospitals and doctors if you receive injuries because of a hit-and-run driver.
You can also purchase an optional endorsement that covers your car against uninsured drivers as well. It’s cheap, and we highly recommend it.