What's New in Oregon
We try to stay in touch with the latest insurance related developments happening in Oregon. What happens in Salem can affect all of us from the price of gasoline to how much it will cost to drive on our freeways. Insurance related laws and orders are considered and passed constantly that will affect how much you or your insurance company will pay and the limit you will receive after an accident. The companies are constantly inventing ways to adjust how they charge based on the analysis of data they collect on you, your car and all drivers. We just want you to be informed so you can make the right decision.

You have an expensive car. Someone rear-ends you and totals it. They have $20,000 in property damage liability, leaving you short, say, $30,000. Who is going to pay the difference?

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Property Damage is an optional coverage you can purchase to cover the difference. It is subject to a deductible of $200 or $300, but that’s better than trying to sue the other guy for what he probably doesn’t have, given you can find the driver if it’s a hit-and-run. Of course, if you have collision coverage, the company can pay out of that line, but the deductible might be higher, like $500 or $1,000, and future companies may see that in the reports as at fault. You would have to jump through hoops to prove it wasn’t your fault. Uninsured Motorist is the better way to go for as little as it costs.

The same thing applies to your injuries. Let’s take that same scenario and assume you were injured. Your medical bills exceed the $25,000 the other party has in limits. The Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury line on your policy will pay the difference up to your purchased amount. This coverage is not optional. Every Oregon auto insurance policy has it. The difference is the limit one may select over another.