Before you buy a car, please call with or text us the vehicle identification number. Auto insurance prices vary by hundreds of dollars depending on the vehicle, even for a liability-only policy. The safety factor is the most critical consideration that influences the cost of auto insurance.
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Insurers started using the safety factors and a car’s crash history to determine the price within the last decade. Before medical expenses rose exponentially, insurance companies paid little attention to how an automobile protected the passenger. Now safety is the number one concern. If a car is considered statistically unsafe, the company can charge as high as triple the price. Don’t fall in love with the first car you see. Gather a handful of VINs, then call or text them.
The next most influential factor is your insurance credit score. This variable comprises your consumer credit and insurance policy history. You’ll get the best, preferred prices if you have a good score and a stable insurance policy record. Making lots of changes to your policy, letting it lapse, or changing companies often, especially without completing a whole policy period, will negatively affect your insurance credit score.
Of course, your driving record can cause your insurance rates to go up. The more tickets or accidents you have, the higher your premium will rise.
These are the items we will need when you call for an auto insurance quote. Please have them ready.
1. Full name of all drivers in the household
2. Address where you live
3. Dates of birth of all drivers
4. Driver’s license numbers of all drivers (we have companies that will take foreign drivers, so a matricula or foreign driver’s license number will do)
5. Vehicle identification number for each automobile
We should get an accurate quote from these. Other items such as occupation, level of education, distance driven, and more may affect the rate depending on the company. We can ask those questions after we determine which company is right for you.
Feel free to complete the online quote request form if you don’t have time to call or need an after-hours quote. This form is for our use only. We don’t sell your information to others like some websites do.