Your local insurance agent does a lot more than you might expect. We are paid a percentage commission by the insurance company set by contract. But, we also understand that if we are to attract and retain clients, we must provide the best service we can. These are the services we provide to you.

Property damage claimsYour car can incur damage in several ways. Someone can vandalize or steal it. A flood, fire, windstorm, and other natural disasters can cause harm to your automobile. The most likely cause of loss to your car is a crash. Determining fault after the accident requires careful investigation. If you have collision or other than collision coverage on your policy, you can rely on the fact that your claim will be covered unless, of course, you did something purposely to cause the accident. If you find out the other party was at fault, then their insurance can pay the damages from first-dollar, avoiding payment of a deductible. If you have the optional Uninsured Motorist Property Damage coverage, and you find out the other at-fault driver has no insurance, then your policy will pay for the damage from that benefit. We’ll be happy to help answer the questions along the way as you get your car fixed. The investigation and repair process has been taking longer than usual lately. We can help push things along.

The journey begins with a quote. We will gather only the information we need to give you an accurate quote and nothing more.
Life changes constantly. Your insurance policy can too. Depending on the company, you can make changes yourself online or on an app on your phone, or you can call, text, or email us the changes.
A binder is a temporary policy. Sometimes a lender or dealer will want immediate proof of coverage beyond the ID card you carry in your wallet or car. We'll email them a binder anytime upon your request.
Claims Assistance
We'll help you through the process after you have had an accident or loss. Your ID card has the claims phone number, but you can call or text us from the road or as soon as it's safe if you are unsure what to do next.